Stuart's Semi-Professional Blog
I'm an engineer who doesn't care for a lot of fluff for fluff's sake.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Premises vs. Premise
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Using Python Virtual Environments
Linux Usage:
Powershell Usage:
Either usage
Friday, December 6, 2024
Accessing LM with a bearer token through Postman
Original content is here for now.
- Download and install Postman, or use
- Launch Postman and create a new collection that will be used for all LogicMonitor API requests:
- In Postman, click Import and paste This should start the import process.
- Before clicking the import button, click the gear to view import settings.
- Make sure "Always inherit authentication" is checked on.
- Configure Authentication:
- Go to the collection root and select the auth tab.
- Change the auth type to "Bearer Token" and put {{bearer}} as the token.
- Go to the scripts tab and add this to the pre-request script:
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'X-Version', value: '3'}) - Save the collection.
- Create a new environment with the following variables. You just need one for the bearer token. You should set the type to 'secret' for sensitive credentials.
- url – https://<portalname>
- If you want to work with the LM Ingestion API, duplicate this environment and change the url to 'https://<portalname>' (without "santaba")
- bearer – secret – For the current value, be sure to prepend the token with "bearer " (with space)
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Adding Space to an Ubuntu VM
I ran out of space on an Ubuntu VM today and had to go through the process of expanding the hard drive.
- First, we shut down the VM and reconfigured VMware to let it have a larger hard drive.
- Another thing to note is that we used the default settings when configuring the disk when installing Ubuntu.
- We downloaded the ISO for GParted. This is an entirely self contained OS with Gparted installed (along with a few other tools) and mounted it in the optical drive of the VM and booted it up.
- When it finished booting, we used GParted to expand the partition to use the extra space on the drive.
- Then we ejected the ISO and booted up as normal.
- Since we used the default options when installing Ubuntu, it uses a logical volume. We expanded the logical volume to encompass the new expanded size of the partition on the physical (virtual) drive using this:
sudo lvextend -l 100%VG ubuntu-vg-/ubuntu-lv - Then we increased the size of the file system to use the available space in the logical volume using this:
sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Freeing up Disk Space when using Docker
Turns out there's a lot of temporary data that is used by Docker. To clean it up, try the following (courtesy Mr Davron):
- Open an elevated Powershell or CMD prompt
- `docker system prune --all`
- Right mouse click on docker desktop in system tray -> quit
- `wsl --shutdown`
- `Optimize-VHD -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx" -Mode Full`
- Reboot
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Using Ansible in Docker (without installing Ansible)
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/ansible/playbooks sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ansible/playbooks sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory
I love Ansible. I love Docker. Running Ansible in Docker not only makes me melt but it means I don't have to install anything but Docker to run Ansible. Anywhere Docker works, Ansible works. And since I already have Docker installed on any machine I call mine...
I built a lab that shows how this can be used. The lab spins up 4 Ubuntu servers, then uses Ansible in a docker container to install a few things. Here's the shortcut to get everything up and running if you already have Docker installed:
> docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}:/root -v ${PWD}:/git alpine/git clone
> cd .\docker-ansible-playbook\ansible_lab\
> docker compose up -d
> docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/ansible/playbooks --network=ansible_lab_default sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory
With these four commands, you:
- Pull down the lab files
- Switch into the lab directory
- Start up 4 containers (the equivalent of starting up 4 micro VMs)
- Run the Ansible playbook
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Using Git without Installing it (through Docker)
If you follow this blog, you might already know that I'm a Docker fanboy. Docker containers are like micro-VMs, just lighter and faster. Git is version control software. The nice thing about version control software, or more specifically distributed version control software like Git, is that it not only allows for the storage of blobs of text or bytes but it also allows you to build workflows that enable people to contribute edits to the stored text along with approval and multiple branches.
Installing Git isn't always needed. Sometimes I just need to clone a repo. If I have Docker installed, I do this (in Powershell):
docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}:/root -v ${PWD}:/git alpine/git clone
Linux/Mac is just as easy:
docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}:/root -v $(pwd):/git alpine/git clone
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Working with Beyond Trust's Privileged Remote Access API
I recently started a trial with Beyond Trust for their Privileged Remote Access product (fka: Bomgar). It's an RMM. As with any tool I have, I'm looking to automate it. We have a system of record (SOR) where our targets reside. PRA requires that each of these have a record in PRA in order to use PRA to remote into the target. I'll be attempting to automate synchronization of our devices from our SOR to PRA using the API. Our trial involved the SaaS version of PRA.
Naturally, my first step was to download their collection into Postman and get started. Actually, the first thing I did was generate the API credentials, which came in the form of an ID and secret. Then I imported the collection into Postman. Unfortunately, I found it a little lacking, so I decided to enhance it using some techniques I've learned. This is not a slight against Beyond Trust. Postman is not their product and I didn't expect their collection to be any more than it was. However, that doesn't mean it couldn't be improved. ;-)
First things first, I created an environment. In it I created the ClientID, ClientSecret, and baseUrl variables. It looks like the collection file is dynamically generated from my trial portal, because the collection had a variable called baseUrl which pointed specifically to my trial portal. Because customer data should be in the environment and the collection should reference it using variables, I moved the value to the baseUrl environment variable and deleted the collection variable so that the environment variable would be used instead.
BTPRA uses OAuth2.0, so to make any requests you have to first generate an ephemeral token which will be used as a bearer token in any subsequent requests. The collection didn't contain a request to obtain this ephemeral token, so I built one called "START HERE".
The documentation states to make a POST request to Unfortunately, this URL is smaller than the baseUrl, so I created a new environment variable called authURL and give it the value of Obviously, not, but the URL to my portal.
For the "START HERE" request, I have to include a basic authorization header. I also have to include a grant_type in the body of my post request. The other thing I want to do is parse the response and store the ephemeral access token in a new environment variable. Here's how I did it.
- Create a new POST request
- Set the url to {{authURL}}/oauth2/token
- On the Authorization tab
- Set the Auth Type to "Basic Auth"
- Set the Username to {{ClientID}}
- Set the Password to {{ClientSecret}}
- On the Headers tab, add a header:
- "Accept" : "application/json"
This tells Postman to expect the response to be JSON, which we need it to be. - On the Body tab:
- Pick "x-www-form-urlencoded" (there are other ways to do this, I know, but this works fine)
- Add "grant_type" : "client_credentials"
- On the Scripts tab, we're going to write a script that will parse the response and set an environment variable containing our ephemeral access token.
- Select "Post-response" and enter the following script:
try {
var json = JSON.parse(pm.response.text());
pm.environment.set("bearToken", json.access_token);
} catch (e) {console.log(e);}
This configuration should keep everything about the API separate from the my specific settings meaning I could delete and reimport the collection (don't delete the START HERE request).
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Favorite way to troubleshoot Python scripts
I recently discovered a great way to make sure that Python scripts give you the information you need when there's a failure. I often run Python scripts inside Docker containers. They either log locally to a file or send logs to a log aggregator (LM Logs). As such, there's not always someone monitoring the stdout pipe of the Python script. If it fails, often the best piece of information is captured using a try/except block. You can have extra data printed out to stdout or even sent out to the log aggregator. This would look something like this:
>>> try:
... {}["shrubbery"]
... except Exception as e:
... print(e)
Now that wasn't helpful was it? If the only logs we had seen were logs about successful operation then suddenly a log that says "shrubbery", we really wouldn't know what was going on. Luckily, there are a few things we can add to the exception output that clarify things:
>>> import sys
>>> try:
... {}["shrubbery"]
... except Exception as e:
... print(f"There was an unexpected error: {e}: \nError on line {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno}")
There was an unexpected error: 'shrubbery':
Error on line 2
If we import the "sys" library, it gives us some options, one of which being the line number on which the failure happened, the failure that popped us out of our try block into the except block. This still doesn't give us everything we might want, but it provides the line number where the error happened. That gives us a great place to start looking at our code to see what happened.
We can do better:
>>> import sys
>>> try:
... {}["shrubbery"]
... except Exception as e:
... print(f"There was an unexpected {type(e).__name__} error: {e}: \nError on line {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno}")
There was an unexpected KeyError error: 'shrubbery':
Error on line 2
Ah, very nice. Now we know the type of error, a KeyError, we know the key that caused the error, and we know the line in our code where the error is happening.
There are more options for outputting more data. However, I haven't found more data to be that useful. With this information, I have just what I need and no extra fluff to work through.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Capturing packets on a Windows server without installing anything
Ever wanted to do a pcap on a Windows server, but didn't have permission to install an app like Wireshark? Here's how you do it:
- Start an elevated command prompt or powershell terminal.
- Run `netsh trace start capture=yes tracefile=C:\temp\packetcapture.etl"
- Wait until you believe the desired packets have been captured or reproduce the issue you want to capture.
- Run `netsh trace stop`
- Your packet capture file will be in c:\temp called packetcapture.etl. You'll need to convert this into a file that Wireshark can open. In the past, you could open it with Microsoft Message Analyzer, but it isn't available anymore. You can use this tool to convert it. Simply download the release and run:
`etl2pcapng.exe in.etl out.pcapng`
Where in.etl points to the file output from your trace and out.pcapng points to the place where you want your output file to go.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Sending sysLog via Python
import logging
import logging.handlers
import sys
my_logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger')
destIpAddress = sys.argv[1]
destPort = sys.argv[2]
handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = (ipAddress,514))
my_logger.addHandler(handler)[3:].join(" "))
You'd call it like this:
> 514 My application had an error in the widget creator service.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Counting Resources Per Group
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Groovy SNMPwalk Helper Functions
I've been doing a lot of SNMP polling through Groovy lately. One of the methods I use most often is Snmp.walkAsMap(), which returns a map that looks like this:
[8.6:2, 4.10:1500, 8.7:1, 8.8:1, 4.12:1500, 4.14:1500, 4.16:1500, 3.44:6, 22.5:0.0, 22.4:0.0, 22.3:0.0, 22.2:0.0, 22.1:0.0, 22.8:0.0, 22.7:0.0, 22.6:0.0, 17.16:164136, 16.44:6639007, 17.12:8634086, 18.8:0, 17.14:8745523, 18.7:0, 17.10:21076, 10.6:0, 10.5:0, 10.4:0, 10.3:0, 10.2:3968863511, 10.1:8980402, 22.44:0.0, 18.6:0, 18.5:0, 7.1:1, 18.4:0, 7.2:1, 18.3:0, 7.3:1, 18.2:0, 7.4:1, 18.1:0, 7.5:1, 10.8:1684285, 7.6:2, 10.7:4181064938, 7.7:1, 7.8:1, 15.44:0, 16.12:2114735865, 16.10:4077101, 16.16:16467729, 16.14:2361323502, 22.14:0.0, 22.16:0.0, 9.44:2 days, 14:54:42.04, 21.6:0, 21.5:0, 21.4:0, 21.3:0, 21.2:0, 21.1:0, 22.10:0.0, 22.12:0.0, 21.44:0, 21.8:0, 21.7:0, 5.10:4294967295, 4.44:1500, 5.12:4294967295, 5.14:4294967295, 11.10:0, 5.16:4294967295, 10.44:1620014, 11.12:12487957, 17.8:30812, 11.14:12673362, 17.7:17502386, 6.1:, 17.6:0, 6.2:90:e6:ba:59:1b:18, 11.16:136053, 17.5:0, 6.3:00:50:56:c0:00:01, 17.4:20226, 6.4:00:50:56:c0:00:08, 17.3:20229, 6.5:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 17.2:37200831, 6.6:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 17.1:44466, 6.7:02:42:39:1b:cc:e3, 6.8:02:42:55:44:3f:06, 10.10:0, 20.7:0, 20.6:0, 20.5:0, 20.4:0, 20.3:0, 20.2:0, 20.1:0, 10.12:30849041, 10.14:131456967, 10.16:77954842, 20.8:0, 5.1:10000000, 16.8:17045376, 5.2:100000000, 16.7:189459674, 5.3:0, 16.6:0, 5.4:0, 16.5:0, 5.5:0, 16.4:0, 5.6:10000000, 16.3:0, 5.7:0, 16.2:1009509757, 5.8:0, 16.1:8980402, 6.12:4e:c1:4e:e6:07:90, 5.44:4294967295, 6.14:0a:2c:4f:3a:eb:5c, 6.16:12:db:e0:82:ca:a2, 19.44:0, 6.10:06:31:50:31:a5:fb, 15.12:0, 14.44:0, 15.10:0, 21.16:0, 15.16:0, 21.14:0, 15.14:0, 20.44:0, 21.12:0, 1.12:12, 1.10:10, 15.1:0, 4.1:65536, 4.2:1500, 4.3:1500, 15.8:0, 21.10:0, 4.4:1500, 15.7:0, 4.5:1500, 15.6:0, 4.6:1500, 15.5:0, 4.7:1500, 15.4:0, 4.8:1500, 15.3:0, 15.2:0, 14.10:0, 20.16:0, 14.14:0, 20.14:0, 13.44:0, 14.12:0, 20.12:0, 1.16:16, 1.14:14, 20.10:0, 14.16:0, 6.44:62:d0:3f:14:ef:85, 7.12:1, 7.14:1, 7.16:1, 7.10:1, 14.2:0, 14.1:0, 3.1:24, 3.2:6, 3.3:6, 3.4:6, 3.5:6, 14.8:0, 3.6:6, 14.7:0, 3.7:6, 14.6:0, 3.8:6, 14.5:0, 14.4:0, 14.3:0, 2.14:veth9a64fa1, 2.12:veth2bc8fbd, 1.44:44, 2.10:veth92ca0b0, 19.14:0, 19.16:0, 19.10:0, 19.12:0, 18.44:0, 13.3:0, 13.2:0, 13.1:0, 2.1:lo, 2.2:NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet, 2.16:veth497df7f, 2.3:vmnet1, 2.4:vmnet8, 2.5:virbr0, 2.6:virbr0-nic, 2.7:br-6a2604a91ac1, 13.8:0, 2.8:docker0, 13.7:0, 13.6:0, 13.5:0, 13.4:0, 18.16:0, 8.16:1, 8.14:1, 17.44:18857, 18.12:0, 18.14:0, 18.10:0, 8.12:1, 7.44:1, 8.10:1, 13.10:0, 12.44:0, 13.14:0, 13.12:0, 3.14:6, 2.44:vethd608288, 3.12:6, 3.10:6, 12.4:0, 12.3:0, 12.2:2662, 12.1:0, 1.1:1, 1.2:2, 1.3:3, 1.4:4, 1.5:5, 1.6:6, 1.7:7, 1.8:8, 13.16:0, 9.1:0:00:00.00, 12.8:0, 9.2:0:00:00.00, 12.7:0, 9.3:0:00:06.31, 12.6:0, 9.4:0:00:06.31, 12.5:0, 9.5:0:00:09.32, 9.6:0:00:12.32, 9.7:3:03:43.67, 9.8:0:00:18.32, 12.10:0, 11.44:4506, 12.12:0, 3.16:6, 12.14:0, 12.16:0, 9.16:3:03:43.67, 9.14:3:03:43.67, 19.8:0, 19.7:0, 19.6:0, 8.44:1, 9.12:3:03:43.67, 9.10:0:00:18.32, 11.5:0, 11.4:0, 11.3:0, 11.2:28692938, 11.1:44466, 19.5:0, 19.4:0, 19.3:0, 8.1:1, 19.2:0, 8.2:1, 19.1:0, 8.3:1, 11.8:6882, 8.4:1, 11.7:25297372, 8.5:2, 11.6:0]
This great and usable, but I found myself constantly wanting to display the data easier. I also wanted the data to be structured a little more hierarchically, grouping by row in the SNMP table. I also wanted to make it easier to address individual pieces of the data. I built a couple helper functions that transform the data and make it easier to address. They can be found here.
The output of the snmpMapToTable() function looks like this:
[6:[8:2, 22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:2, 21:0, 17:0, 6:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 20:0, 16:0, 5:10000000, 15:0, 4:1500, 3:6, 14:0, 2:virbr0-nic, 13:0, 1:6, 12:0, 9:0:00:12.32, 19:0, 11:0], 10:[4:1500, 17:21076, 16:4077101, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:0, 10:0, 6:06:31:50:31:a5:fb, 15:0, 1:10, 21:0, 14:0, 20:0, 7:1, 2:veth92ca0b0, 19:0, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:0:00:18.32], 7:[8:1, 22:0.0, 18:0, 10:4181064938, 7:1, 21:0, 17:17502386, 6:02:42:39:1b:cc:e3, 20:0, 16:189459674, 5:0, 15:0, 4:1500, 14:0, 3:6, 2:br-6a2604a91ac1, 13:0, 1:7, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67, 19:0, 11:25297372], 8:[8:1, 22:0.0, 18:0, 10:1684285, 7:1, 21:0, 17:30812, 6:02:42:55:44:3f:06, 20:0, 16:17045376, 5:0, 15:0, 4:1500, 14:0, 3:6, 13:0, 2:docker0, 1:8, 12:0, 9:0:00:18.32, 19:0, 11:6882], 12:[4:1500, 17:8634086, 16:2114735865, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:12487957, 10:30849041, 6:4e:c1:4e:e6:07:90, 15:0, 21:0, 1:12, 14:0, 20:0, 7:1, 2:veth2bc8fbd, 19:0, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 14:[4:1500, 17:8745523, 16:2361323502, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:12673362, 10:131456967, 6:0a:2c:4f:3a:eb:5c, 21:0, 15:0, 14:0, 20:0, 1:14, 7:1, 2:veth9a64fa1, 19:0, 8:1, 18:0, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 16:[4:1500, 17:164136, 16:16467729, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:136053, 10:77954842, 6:12:db:e0:82:ca:a2, 21:0, 15:0, 20:0, 1:16, 14:0, 7:1, 19:0, 2:veth497df7f, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 44:[3:6, 16:6639007, 22:0.0, 15:0, 9:2 days, 14:54:42.04, 21:0, 4:1500, 10:1620014, 5:4294967295, 19:0, 14:0, 20:0, 13:0, 6:62:d0:3f:14:ef:85, 1:44, 18:0, 17:18857, 7:1, 12:0, 2:vethd608288, 11:4506, 8:1], 5:[22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 17:0, 6:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 20:0, 16:0, 5:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 2:virbr0, 13:0, 1:5, 12:0, 9:0:00:09.32, 11:0, 19:0, 8:2], 4:[22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 17:20226, 6:00:50:56:c0:00:08, 20:0, 5:0, 16:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 2:vmnet8, 13:0, 12:0, 1:4, 9:0:00:06.31, 11:0, 19:0, 8:1], 3:[22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 6:00:50:56:c0:00:01, 17:20229, 20:0, 5:0, 16:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 13:0, 2:vmnet1, 12:0, 1:3, 9:0:00:06.31, 11:0, 19:0, 8:1], 2:[22:0.0, 10:3968863511, 7:1, 18:0, 21:0, 6:90:e6:ba:59:1b:18, 17:37200831, 20:0, 5:100000000, 16:1009509757, 4:1500, 15:0, 14:0, 3:6, 13:0, 2:NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet, 12:2662, 1:2, 9:0:00:00.00, 11:28692938, 19:0, 8:1], 1:[22:0.0, 10:8980402, 7:1, 18:0, 21:0, 6:, 17:44466, 20:0, 5:10000000, 16:8980402, 15:0, 4:65536, 14:0, 3:24, 13:0, 2:lo, 12:0, 1:1, 9:0:00:00.00, 11:44466, 8:1, 19:0]]
It may not look much better, but if you add some carriage returns and tabs you get this:
[ 6:[ 8:2, 22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:2, 21:0, 17:0, 6:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 20:0, 16:0, 5:10000000, 15:0, 4:1500, 3:6, 14:0, 2:virbr0-nic, 13:0, 1:6, 12:0, 9:0:00:12.32, 19:0, 11:0], 10:[ 4:1500, 17:21076, 16:4077101, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:0, 10:0, 6:06:31:50:31:a5:fb, 15:0, 1:10, 21:0, 14:0, 20:0, 7:1, 2:veth92ca0b0, 19:0, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:0:00:18.32], 7:[ 8:1, 22:0.0, 18:0, 10:4181064938, 7:1, 21:0, 17:17502386, 6:02:42:39:1b:cc:e3, 20:0, 16:189459674, 5:0, 15:0, 4:1500, 14:0, 3:6, 2:br-6a2604a91ac1, 13:0, 1:7, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67, 19:0, 11:25297372], 8:[ 8:1, 22:0.0, 18:0, 10:1684285, 7:1, 21:0, 17:30812, 6:02:42:55:44:3f:06, 20:0, 16:17045376, 5:0, 15:0, 4:1500, 14:0, 3:6, 13:0, 2:docker0, 1:8, 12:0, 9:0:00:18.32, 19:0, 11:6882], 12:[ 4:1500, 17:8634086, 16:2114735865, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:12487957, 10:30849041, 6:4e:c1:4e:e6:07:90, 15:0, 21:0, 1:12, 14:0, 20:0, 7:1, 2:veth2bc8fbd, 19:0, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 14:[ 4:1500, 17:8745523, 16:2361323502, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:12673362, 10:131456967, 6:0a:2c:4f:3a:eb:5c, 21:0, 15:0, 14:0, 20:0, 1:14, 7:1, 2:veth9a64fa1, 19:0, 8:1, 18:0, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 16:[ 4:1500, 17:164136, 16:16467729, 22:0.0, 5:4294967295, 11:136053, 10:77954842, 6:12:db:e0:82:ca:a2, 21:0, 15:0, 20:0, 1:16, 14:0, 7:1, 19:0, 2:veth497df7f, 18:0, 8:1, 13:0, 3:6, 12:0, 9:3:03:43.67], 44:[ 3:6, 16:6639007, 22:0.0, 15:0, 9:2 days, 14:54:42.04, 21:0, 4:1500, 10:1620014, 5:4294967295, 19:0, 14:0, 20:0, 13:0, 6:62:d0:3f:14:ef:85, 1:44, 18:0, 17:18857, 7:1, 12:0, 2:vethd608288, 11:4506, 8:1], 5:[ 22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 17:0, 6:52:54:00:9b:4b:e0, 20:0, 16:0, 5:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 2:virbr0, 13:0, 1:5, 12:0, 9:0:00:09.32, 11:0, 19:0, 8:2], 4:[ 22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 17:20226, 6:00:50:56:c0:00:08, 20:0, 5:0, 16:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 2:vmnet8, 13:0, 12:0, 1:4, 9:0:00:06.31, 11:0, 19:0, 8:1], 3:[ 22:0.0, 10:0, 18:0, 7:1, 21:0, 6:00:50:56:c0:00:01, 17:20229, 20:0, 5:0, 16:0, 4:1500, 15:0, 3:6, 14:0, 13:0, 2:vmnet1, 12:0, 1:3, 9:0:00:06.31, 11:0, 19:0, 8:1], 2:[ 22:0.0, 10:3968863511, 7:1, 18:0, 21:0, 6:90:e6:ba:59:1b:18, 17:37200831, 20:0, 5:100000000, 16:1009509757, 4:1500, 15:0, 14:0, 3:6, 13:0, 2:NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet, 12:2662, 1:2, 9:0:00:00.00, 11:28692938, 19:0, 8:1], 1:[ 22:0.0, 10:8980402, 7:1, 18:0, 21:0, 6:, 17:44466, 20:0, 5:10000000, 16:8980402, 15:0, 4:65536, 14:0, 3:24, 13:0, 2:lo, 12:0, 1:1, 9:0:00:00.00, 11:44466, 8:1, 19:0] ]
As you can see, it's getting easier to see what's going on. At this point, it'd be nice to order by instance ID and also order by metric ID. One of the helper functions I built does just that, pprintSnmpWalkTable:
Wildvalue: 1: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 1 2.##WILDVALUE##: lo 3.##WILDVALUE##: 24 4.##WILDVALUE##: 65536 5.##WILDVALUE##: 10000000 6.##WILDVALUE##: 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:00.00 10.##WILDVALUE##: 8980402 11.##WILDVALUE##: 44466 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 8980402 17.##WILDVALUE##: 44466 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 2: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 2 2.##WILDVALUE##: NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 100000000 6.##WILDVALUE##: 90:e6:ba:59:1b:18 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:00.00 10.##WILDVALUE##: 3968863511 11.##WILDVALUE##: 28692938 12.##WILDVALUE##: 2662 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 1009509757 17.##WILDVALUE##: 37200831 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 3: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 3 2.##WILDVALUE##: vmnet1 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 0 6.##WILDVALUE##: 00:50:56:c0:00:01 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:06.31 10.##WILDVALUE##: 0 11.##WILDVALUE##: 0 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 0 17.##WILDVALUE##: 20229 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 4: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 4 2.##WILDVALUE##: vmnet8 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 0 6.##WILDVALUE##: 00:50:56:c0:00:08 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:06.31 10.##WILDVALUE##: 0 11.##WILDVALUE##: 0 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 0 17.##WILDVALUE##: 20226 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 5: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 5 2.##WILDVALUE##: virbr0 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 0 6.##WILDVALUE##: 52:54:00:9b:4b:e0 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 2 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:09.32 10.##WILDVALUE##: 0 11.##WILDVALUE##: 0 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 0 17.##WILDVALUE##: 0 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 6: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 6 2.##WILDVALUE##: virbr0-nic 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 10000000 6.##WILDVALUE##: 52:54:00:9b:4b:e0 7.##WILDVALUE##: 2 8.##WILDVALUE##: 2 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:12.32 10.##WILDVALUE##: 0 11.##WILDVALUE##: 0 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 0 17.##WILDVALUE##: 0 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 7: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 7 2.##WILDVALUE##: br-6a2604a91ac1 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 0 6.##WILDVALUE##: 02:42:39:1b:cc:e3 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 3:03:43.67 10.##WILDVALUE##: 4181064938 11.##WILDVALUE##: 25297372 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 189459674 17.##WILDVALUE##: 17502386 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 8: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 8 2.##WILDVALUE##: docker0 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 0 6.##WILDVALUE##: 02:42:55:44:3f:06 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:18.32 10.##WILDVALUE##: 1684285 11.##WILDVALUE##: 6882 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 17045376 17.##WILDVALUE##: 30812 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 10: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 10 2.##WILDVALUE##: veth92ca0b0 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 4294967295 6.##WILDVALUE##: 06:31:50:31:a5:fb 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 0:00:18.32 10.##WILDVALUE##: 0 11.##WILDVALUE##: 0 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 4077101 17.##WILDVALUE##: 21076 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 12: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 12 2.##WILDVALUE##: veth2bc8fbd 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 4294967295 6.##WILDVALUE##: 4e:c1:4e:e6:07:90 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 3:03:43.67 10.##WILDVALUE##: 30849041 11.##WILDVALUE##: 12487957 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 2114735865 17.##WILDVALUE##: 8634086 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 14: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 14 2.##WILDVALUE##: veth9a64fa1 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 4294967295 6.##WILDVALUE##: 0a:2c:4f:3a:eb:5c 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 3:03:43.67 10.##WILDVALUE##: 131456967 11.##WILDVALUE##: 12673362 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 2361323502 17.##WILDVALUE##: 8745523 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 16: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 16 2.##WILDVALUE##: veth497df7f 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 4294967295 6.##WILDVALUE##: 12:db:e0:82:ca:a2 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 3:03:43.67 10.##WILDVALUE##: 77954842 11.##WILDVALUE##: 136053 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 16467729 17.##WILDVALUE##: 164136 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0 Wildvalue: 44: Data sorted by column ID 1.##WILDVALUE##: 44 2.##WILDVALUE##: vethd608288 3.##WILDVALUE##: 6 4.##WILDVALUE##: 1500 5.##WILDVALUE##: 4294967295 6.##WILDVALUE##: 62:d0:3f:14:ef:85 7.##WILDVALUE##: 1 8.##WILDVALUE##: 1 9.##WILDVALUE##: 2 days, 14:54:42.04 10.##WILDVALUE##: 1620014 11.##WILDVALUE##: 4506 12.##WILDVALUE##: 0 13.##WILDVALUE##: 0 14.##WILDVALUE##: 0 15.##WILDVALUE##: 0 16.##WILDVALUE##: 6639007 17.##WILDVALUE##: 18857 18.##WILDVALUE##: 0 19.##WILDVALUE##: 0 20.##WILDVALUE##: 0 21.##WILDVALUE##: 0 22.##WILDVALUE##: 0.0
For me, this is pretty easy to read and find individual values that I'm looking for. The three lines that resulted in the above output were these:
walkResult = Snmp.walkAsMap(host, Oid, props, timeout) entryRaw = snmpMapToTable(walkResult) pprintSnmpWalkTable(entryRaw)
Accessing the data is pretty easy now:
ifEntryRaw.each {wildvalue, data -> println("""Interface ${wildvalue}: ifAlias: ${ifXEntryRaw[wildvalue]["1"]} ifDescr: ${data["2"]} ifType: ${data["3"]} """) }
This gives us the following output:
Interface 6: ifAlias: virbr0-nic ifDescr: virbr0-nic ifType: 6 Interface 10: ifAlias: veth92ca0b0 ifDescr: veth92ca0b0 ifType: 6 Interface 7: ifAlias: br-6a2604a91ac1 ifDescr: br-6a2604a91ac1 ifType: 6 Interface 8: ifAlias: docker0 ifDescr: docker0 ifType: 6 Interface 12: ifAlias: veth2bc8fbd ifDescr: veth2bc8fbd ifType: 6 Interface 14: ifAlias: veth9a64fa1 ifDescr: veth9a64fa1 ifType: 6 Interface 16: ifAlias: veth497df7f ifDescr: veth497df7f ifType: 6 Interface 44: ifAlias: vethd608288 ifDescr: vethd608288 ifType: 6 Interface 5: ifAlias: virbr0 ifDescr: virbr0 ifType: 6 Interface 4: ifAlias: vmnet8 ifDescr: vmnet8 ifType: 6 Interface 3: ifAlias: vmnet1 ifDescr: vmnet1 ifType: 6 Interface 2: ifAlias: enp0s10 ifDescr: NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet ifType: 6 Interface 1: ifAlias: lo ifDescr: lo ifType: 24
Friday, July 5, 2019
Discovering Enumerated Properties
In the same vein as the previous post, this post will talk about SNMP enumeration. While the previous post talked about polling enumerated values and how to display them as intuitively as possible, this post will talk about polling more static values and using them as properties.
There are two levels of properties that can be obtained via SNMP: device level properties (that pertain to the whole device) and instance level properties (that pertain to a particular thing on the device, of which there may be more than one). Polling those properties is easy; this post will go over how to improve the quality of the data stored so that the data can be intuitively used.
Polling properties vs. data points
ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed. When a managed system initializes, all interfaces start with ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a result of either explicit management action or per configuration information retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains in the down(2) state)." ::= { ifEntry 7 }
Interpretation of an instance property enumeration
So how do we interpret this? It's actually pretty easy, but it involves some scripting to process the returned data. It also involves some research into the MIB to find out all the meanings. Let's start with a simple case of interfaces. In most cases a MIB will contain a "Table" OID with an "Entry" child OID containing all the instances with whatever OIDs go along with the instances. In the case of interfaces (ignoring the ifXTable), the table is called "ifTable" at You'll see that there is a child OID called "ifEntry" at This kind of table typically has an index along with perhaps some properties and data points as columns. Each row is an instance. We're going to ignore the data points for now and focus on the OIDs that would do well stored as properties. MTU(4), speed(5), and MAC address(6) are good items to store as properties. They require no interpretation. However, ifType(3) and ifAdminStatus(7) require some interpretation to be useful.LogicMonitor's multi-instance datasource can be configured to use a groovy script (yes, it's a real thing) to do auto-discovery, which is the mechanism that discovers poll instances and sets properties per poll instance. The concept is pretty simple, use the groovy SNMP libraries to retrieve the data, use groovy to interpret the data, then just print the data to standard output, one line per poll instance.
I recently wrote a script to do this. It's all self documented with explanations and sample output and everything. Some points to consider at the following lines:
- This line defines the address of the Entry table. Everything we will be polling happens to live under this branch of the OID tree.
- This is where we define which column of the ifEntry table contains the name that we should be using for each of our instances.
- This line shows the information from the MIB added to the script so that the script can interpret the meaning from the returned value for ifAdminStatus
- This line shows the information from the MIB added to the script so that the script can interpret the meaning from the returned value for ifOperStatus
- This line shows that we're still polling ifMtu as a property, but there is no interpretation available for the value. We could alternatively put ["1500":"Default (1500)"] instead of [:] to tell the script to add some meaning to the most common value of MTU
- ifPhysAddress is the MAC address and needs no interpretation
- This line shows an interpretation that isn't defined in the MIB. Instead of just passing the raw value through, we can provide our own interpretation of the speed to give some more intuitive values for common speeds. If the speed of the interface isn't in our map, the speed itself will be stored as the value. If it does happen to match on eof
- This is where we start to define the enumeration for ifType. Turns out ifType has over 200 different enumerated values. Each of these is defined in the script so that the proper type name can be stored as a property.
- Here's where you can see some sample output against a device here in my house. Notice that there's one line for each port (both physical and logical).
- This line is a good example showing the interpreted values of ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifSpeed, and ifType.
Interpretation of device level properties
Polling and storing device level properties is a bit simpler mainly because looping through instances is not required. We do have to provide each OID, the name we want the property stored under, and the interpretation, if any. All of this comes from the MIB. The script to do this is here. This example comes from the mGuard MIB, which is from some work I did recently. However, the OIDs can be replaced with any OID from any MIB (notice there's not a baseOID), as long as the OID returns a single value because the script does an SNMP get on that OID.Conclusion
That's about it. These two scripts can be used to add real meaning to device and instance level properties. The only things that have to change are the data that come from the MIB itself. Perhaps one of these days I'll get around to writing a MIB parser that will output this information for all OIDs in the MIB. Yeah, when I have time.Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Visualizing Status Codes
If this is your first time here, know that this blog is not written for you. It's written for me. I increasingly need more and more reminders of how to do things. That goes especially for things that I devise since no one else knows it unless I tell them. This blog is primarily a place for me to keep those things written down.
Anyway, on to this blog post. LogicMonitor monitors IT infrastructure. After collecting data through various mechanisms, it stores the data in a big database in the cloud and then provides a cloud hosted front end website to display the data. Part of the display is graphs. Many times, the metrics being graphed lend themselves to being plotted on a Cartesian coordinated graph. However, sometimes the metric being polled is a status code. A good example of this is license status on Sophos' XG Firewall. This metric is found at .
asSubStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubscriptionStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { liAntispam 1 }The syntax is "SubscriptionStatusType", which is an enumerated type meaning that only a number is returned, but that number has a meaning depending on the different values returned. Looking at the syntax definition in the MIB will help illustrate:
SubscriptionStatusType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enumerated type for subscription status" SYNTAX INTEGER { trial ( 1 ), unsubscribed ( 2 ), subscribed ( 3 ), expired ( 4 ) }So each different value returned indicates a particular state of the license subscription. It's not like a percentage where 100% is good and 0% is bad and there might be values in between. It's not like a rate, where a high number is fast and a low number is slow. It only has discreet values and values in between don't actually have any meaning.
Normally, without putting in much effort, someone might easily create a graph that just plots this number, putting time on the x-axis and the value retuned on the y-axis. This results in what you see here:
As you can see, it's not very helpful. It's a flat line because the status has been the same for the entire time range. That's ok. However, there's no real indicator of meaning. Some effort was made to add the meaning to the data point description (which appears in the tooltip). However, the enumeration is so long that it doesn't really fit in the tooltip. What does a 3 mean? Also, it's not illustrated here, but what happens if the value changes from 3 to 4? There would be two flat lines, one at 3 before the change and one at 4 after the change. But what would be shown at the change? Would it be a vertical line from 3 to 4? Would it be slightly slanted? Also not illustrated here, but what happens when larger timeframes are chosen and values are aggregated together (most often using an average)? Imagine that line at 3 that transitions to 4. What if that happened in middle of the quarter and you viewed it at the end of the quarter? If this status was polled every hour, that would mean 2190 data points to display! That's too many. Almost every graphing solution would attempt to decrease the data points by grouping points and averaging every group. In the case of a quarterly timeframe, it might simplify by averaging all data points for a single day together. This could be fine for most days, except for the one where there was a change. That would show an average of 3's and 4's, yielding a value of 3.5. WTH does 3.5 mean? It gets worse if you have a 2 that transitions to a 3 which then later transitions to a 4. You could end up with an average of 3, indicating no problem at all!?!? It's not intuitive; and graphs need to be intuitive.
So, what do we do?
Well, we might be tempted to normalize the data. This is actually a very good idea. Let me explain: normalizing the data transforms it into a scale that is more intuitive. For example, we might say that we will normalize the data using the following rules:- A value of 3 is good, so we'll call that 1
- Any other value is bad, so we'll call that 0
- If value is 3, plot 100, else plot 0
- Plot (100 - the value from above)
- If the status code is 1, return 100, else return nothing (100 here means Trial status)
- If the status code is 2, return 100, else return nothing (100 here means Unsubscribed status)
- If the status code is 3, return 100, else return nothing (100 here means Subscribed status)
- If the status code is 4, return 100, else return nothing (100 here means Expired status)
Notes on the screenshot:
- it shows line types of "Area" but they should be "Stacked" to display properly
- the formulas should be `if(in(StatusCode,3),100,unkn())`
Monday, June 3, 2019
How to share a ton of stuff with someone else
If you have the stuff to share:
- Download and install Resilio Sync
- After opening the app, click the plus sign in the top left corner and select "Standard Folder"
- Browse to the folder you want to share with someone else and click "Open"
- A new entry will appear in your list of folders. At the right end of this entry will appear three dots (when you mouseover the row). Click the three dots and select "Copy Read Only key" or "Copy Read & Write key" depending on whether or not you want the sharer to be able to change what's in the shared folder. They key is now in your clipboard.
- Send the key to the person you want to share with.
If you have received a key:
- Download and install Resilio Sync
- After opening the app, click the plus sign in the top left corner and select "Enter key or link"
- Paste in the key that was sent to you
- Browse to the folder you want to synchronize and select Open.
- Go grab a coffee and chips and wait until the synchronization finishes.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
One Trailer for Each Piece of the Saga
Don't forget the one that you can't find on YouTube, it's after Episode 6, before 7.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Web GL Globe
The concept is pretty expansive when you think about the kinds of data that can be shown. WebGL Globe combines data that has several dimensions of information encoded and visualized:
- Node Location - latitude and longitude
- Node connections - showing that two nodes are connected in some way (shown as an arc when you click on a country in the World of Oil visualization).
- Connection intensity - this one can have multiple dimensions depending on how creative you get. For example:
- the line color itself can indicate some sort of status (red/green/yellow/orange). It's even possible that you could show percentages of the arc length as certain colors to indicate distribution of the status (i.e. 10% is bad while 90% is good might mean a line that is mostly green with a segment of length 10% that is red).
- the thickness of the arc can be another dimension, indicating something like volume
- the maximum altitude of the arc can be another, indicating sample size
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Friday, March 8, 2019
Using Docker
alpine/git latest a1d22e4b51ad 10 days ago 27.5MB ansible-docker latest 25b39c3ffd15 2 weeks ago 153MB ubuntu latest 47b19964fb50 4 weeks ago 88.1MB
Ansible-docker is a container I modified to suit my needs. You can use it by either cloning the git repository and building from source or just pull it from the hub:
docker pull sweenig/ansible-docker
I used this to know how to push images to docker:
alpine/git is the easiest way I've found to run git on Windows (hint, it's not actually running in Windows but in Linux inside the container).
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Object Oriented Programming
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
HTML Maps, Continued
<style> a:hover {border:1px dotted gray;} a {position:absolute;} </style>
Obviously, you may want to use CSS selectors to make sure that only your mapped links on images get styled this way.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Online circuit schematic design and simulation
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Hard puzzle with an easy solution
This is known as Langley's Adventitious Angles. And a good visual solution can be seen here (warning Flash required).
Monday, December 11, 2017
Boolean Arithmetic
Friday, December 8, 2017
Prusa's ColorPrint tool
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Before you contest, yes, I know that any form of encryption can eventually be beaten. If you're that paranoid about someone decrypting your packets (which would take years by the way) you should be off the grid.
That said, I looked into setting up a VPN option for myself and eventually found PiVPN. This little one line installer sets everything up on your RPi so that it becomes a VPN endpoint. Use it to generate a certificate which you can load on your device (I've tested on iOS and Windows 10) into the freely available OpenVPN client.
I have since found, but not installed/tried a web GUI that should let me manage PiVPN through a browser. I hope to try this eventually after I have some free time. So, probably next year!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
In case you're interested, here's a good set of instructions for installing Wordpress on Ubuntu 16.04. So many instructions! You might need phpMyAdmin as well.
Monday, December 4, 2017
<div style="position:relative; height:786px; width:537px; background:url(myimage.png) 0 0 no-repeat;">
<a style="position:absolute; top:393px; left:147px; width:87px; height:69px;" title="asdf" alt="asdf" href="asdf" target="_self"></a>
Instead of mapping out all the positions manually, there's a really neat tool that will let you do it right on top of your own image and then generate both the HTML map code as well as the more simple CSS code to render it on a webpage.