Thursday, November 14, 2024

Using Ansible in Docker (without installing Ansible)



docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/ansible/playbooks sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ansible/playbooks sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory

I love Ansible. I love Docker. Running Ansible in Docker not only makes me melt but it means I don't have to install anything but Docker to run Ansible. Anywhere Docker works, Ansible works. And since I already have Docker installed on any machine I call mine...

I built a lab that shows how this can be used. The lab spins up 4 Ubuntu servers, then uses Ansible in a docker container to install a few things. Here's the shortcut to get everything up and running if you already have Docker installed:

> docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}:/root -v ${PWD}:/git alpine/git clone
cd .\docker-ansible-playbook\ansible_lab\
> docker compose up -d
> docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/ansible/playbooks --network=ansible_lab_default sweenig/ansible-docker playbook.yml -i inventory

With these four commands, you:

  • Pull down the lab files
  • Switch into the lab directory
  • Start up 4 containers (the equivalent of starting up 4 micro VMs)
  • Run the Ansible playbook
You used Git and Ansible and had neither installed.

To shut down the lab, do:
docker compose down
In the ansible-lab directory.

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