Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Displaying Editable Content on a Web Page

In my previous post, I detailed how I went about transforming an XML document into a readable report, displaying data from the XML. If you downloaded and tried out the files, you should have noticed that the final report was more than I described.

Particularly, there were two things I glossed over:
  1. There are several boxes on the page that have edit buttons and can be modified after the page is rendered.
  2. There is a hidden div that shows the report author how to format additional content so that it shows up with the same style as the rest of the content on the page.
I'll cover #2 at a later time. Right now, I wanted to talk about how the editable content was built. Remember, the point of the project was to build a final report that could be delivered to the customer. A script was used to gather a bunch of data and output it to XML. An XSLT was used to transform that information into a more readable format. While the script was good at gathering much of the information needed, it didn't go into wordy detail about the recommended changes to be made. Thus a method of adding to the document was needed.  

Initially, I built a section of the XML that would allow the user to input all the information needed right into the XML. That way, the XML transformation and PDF generation would be the last step in generating the report. However, that wasn't too sexy and I still found myself needing a way to edit the content after it was rendered.

So, I came up with EditableContent. This comprised of a few components. Here is what part of the code looks like:

  1. <h2>Summary Recommendations</h2>
  2.     <div id="recsummary" class="editablecontent">
  3.      <img src="health_check_files/edit-icon.png" onclick="editcontent('recsummary','recsummary_content')" />
  4.      <div id="recsummary_content">
  5.       <xsl:if test="reportinfo/recsummary!=''"><xsl:value-of select="reportinfo/recsummary" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></xsl:if>
  6.       <xsl:if test="not(reportinfo/recsummary) or (reportinfo/recsummary='')">Provide a summary description of your recommendations<br /><span class="example">EXAMPLE</span>: The primary recommendations resulting from the data gathering, assessment, and analysis performed during this Health Check are to upgrade both hardware and software on the core NMS components of the infrastructure. In addition to hardware and software upgrades, a review of the alarm/event management process is recommended. Architecturally, the NMS deployment is in accordance with a “Best Practices” implementation for an organization of this size.</xsl:if>
  7.      </div>
  8.     </div>

First is the div containing the content. This div has a unique id and uses a CSS class of 'editablecontent'. This CSS class is what puts the red line around the editable content and also puts the edit button. Click here to see the CSS (pay attention to lines 63-85).

The main DIV has two children, the edit image and the content DIV. The edit button has some special CSS that make it only visible when the mouse moves over the parent DIV. The child DIV is the one containing the content.

Notice the image has a JavaScript function attached. The JavaScript is contained in a separate file (but could just have easily been included in the XSLT). The JavaScript simply switches from a static DIV to an editable textarea box and back again. Depending on which save button is pressed, the JavaScript will return to a DIV that looks like a draft or a final version.

Adding editable content to the XSLT all over the place made it easy to use the data from the XML but have a last minute override for any of the content (i.e. to fix a single misspelling without editing the XML manually).

To see it all in action, download the files, unzip, and open the XML file in IE.

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